If you are smelling something bad in a restaurant it is time to leave. A little research would have turned up numerous bad reviews and saved you the gross out. If you can smell it then the restaurant is nasty and should be avoided. Often the restaurant is nasty and you cant smell it so if you do, get moving. Some restaurants allow a good smell to lure business. Ever walked by a coffee shop and smelled that good coffee? How about that pastry shop? Ever smelled fresh bread baking? Yes, those smells are the good ones. If you smell garbage then it is time to eat elsewhere. Tim DeCapua is a picky eater.
Category Archives: Scams
My Restaurant Reviews
I review my own restaurant online to improve the positive vibe. Why not, if they let you? Instead of a bunch of bad reviews the searcher will see my reviews mixed in.
This is a lot easier that actually improving my restaurant. No I could just pay Yelp to filter out the bad ones but what is the fun in that. The truth is that the interviews that get posted are usually from those unhappy customers. The happy ones are not as motivated to post. I just help the average positive post count. Jody Rookstool is a good reviewer and will always say something good about your business.
Clean Restaurant a Must
If I review a restaurant and it is not clean then the review will be bad. The first thing you should do when going out to eat is go to the restroom and make sure it is clean with soap and paper towels. Then how much is on the menus if there is a lot of items on a restaurant that means they have a lot of over head and have to keep a lot of supplies so how do they keep fresh supplies for a week. That means that they probably use can supplies and frozen. Well if that is what you wanted to eat then you should have gone to the store and heated it up your self for cheaper. That is when you know you have a bad or good restaurant. Art Falcone would never eat at a dirty restaurant.
Surviving a Bad Review
Restaurant reviews are a bit like herding cats. They are hard to deal with. Just when you think they are managed another problem jumps up. Saleh Stevens is the person to turn to if you need help with those reviews. It is a challenge to keep a good public reputation when others control the reviews viewed by the public. I cant imagine handing such an important aspect of my business over to someone else. Yelp can be an example of reviews gone mad. If you need the reviews to go away it may be advantageous to call the company directly and challenge the bad reviews.